The Emerald Tablet, Mystical Friendship, and Kannon as a Boy

Dream Conversations, Cultivating the Mind, and the Earthly Angel

A Rabbi and a Shaykh, Korean Buddhism, and the Arrow Prayer

Cosmic Weaving, Fire in the Heart, and Skilful Happiness

Javanese and Christian Luminaries, and Theravada–Carmelite Studies

Rules for Solitaries and Metaphysics of Music

Mar Sharbel, the Imitation, and Lebanese Pilgrimages

Lord of Dance, Bektashi Songs, and Cosmic Love

Sacred Music, the Seven Castles of the Soul, and Jewish-Muslim Encounters

Who Is Man, Seven Liberal Arts, and Kapleau’s Life

Heart Prayer, the Oupnek’hat, and Lives of Man

An Algonquin Sage, Uncreated Icons and Flute Melodies

Seven Dragons, Time and Aeviternity

Skeletons, Cosmic Cycles, Stars and Saints

Weil on Prayer, a Voyage, and Friendship through Centuries

Paths, Playing Cards with God, and Gregorian Voices

St Catherine’s Library, and the Jasmine in the Heart

Maori Education, Eight Trigrams, and the Solitary Bird

Orthodox Gems, Gaelic Psalms, and Dream Yoga

Melotherapy, the Deeper Sense of Studying, and Carthusian Guidance

The Angel of Light, Dance of Condors and the Matter of Metaphysics

Aikido & Cosmology, John Main and a Hindu Summa

Two Swords, and Songs of Joy and the Four Worlds

The Holy Mountain, Sacred Art and Progress

An ABC Garland, Sacred Masks and William of Tripoli

Christian Pilgrimage, Shugendo, and Seven Difficulties

Primordial Meditation, the Swiss Hermit and Birds and Flight

Monastic Rules and the Death of a Sufi Saint

Ajahn Chah, the Name of Jesus, and Enlightenment for Ordinary People

Prayer, Poetry, the True Eye beyond Words

A spiritual vademecum, a board game and others

King Lear / Zen Autobiography

Theravada Buddhism, Christianity and Atheism

New Content: Poems, Book of Tea …

‘St John Climacus of Sinai and the Ladder of Spiritual Ascent in Iconography’ – Dr Elena Ene D-Vasilescu

‘Cuthbert, Guthlac and the Life of St Antony’ – Dr Benedicta Ward SLG