Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye)

Eihei Dogen

File Type: PDF

Poetry and Prayer Beyond Words

Graeme Watson

File Type: PDF

The Roar of the Tigress (vol. II)

Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett

File Type: PDF

What Thirst is For

M. Ali Lakhani

File Type: PDF

The Prayer of an Islamic-Christian Heart

Paolo Dalloglio

File Type: PDF

The Way of Go

Desmond Meraz

File Type: PDF

Al-Hikam (Aphorisms)

Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari

File Type: PDF

“The Prophet” (Audio)

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: Audio

Allah: A Christian Response

Miroslav Volf

File Type: Audio

“Naturalness”: Two Excerpts

Kenryo Kanamatsu

File Type: PDF

“Cloven Tongues”: Theology and the Translation of the Scriptures

Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

File Type: PDF

“They Killed Him Not”: The Crucifixion in Shi‘a Isma‘ili Islam

Khalil Andani

File Type: PDF

The Winter’s Tale

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

Death, Resurrection and Human Destiny: Christian and Muslim Perspectives


File Type: Audio

Death, Resurrection and Human Destiny: Concluding Reflections

Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

File Type: Audio

Dying Well: Christian Faith and Practice

Harriet Harris

File Type: Audio

Dying Well: Muslim Faith and Practice

Sajjad Rizvi

File Type: Audio

Death, Resurrection & Human Destiny in the Islamic Tradition

Asma Afsaruddin

File Type: Audio

Death, Resurrection & Human Destiny in the Christian Tradition

Geoffrey Rowell

File Type: Audio

Death, Resurrection & Human Destiny in the Qur’an

Mona Siddiqui

File Type: Audio

Death, Resurrection & Human Destiny in the Bible

Tom Wright

File Type: Audio

Matheson Trust Hear! Project

File Type: Audio

“The Symbolist Mind” (Audio)

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: Audio

My Spiritual Home (Autobiography of a Zen Master)

Yamada Mumon Roshi

File Type: PDF

King Lear

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

Sacred Audio: Hinduism

File Type: Audio

Sacred Audio: Far East

File Type: Audio

Sacred Audio: Christianity

File Type: Audio

Sacred Audio: Buddhism

File Type: Audio

Sacred Audio: Judaism

File Type: Audio

Sacred Audio: Islam

File Type: Audio

Sacred Audio Collection (Home)

File Type: Audio

Ubi Caritas

File Type: Audio

The Lord’s Prayer (Audio)

File Type: Audio

Salve Regina (Audio)

File Type: Audio

Coptic Liturgy

File Type: Audio

Yedid Nefesh

File Type: Audio

Kol Nidrei

File Type: Audio

Psalm 23 (Hebrew)

File Type: Audio

Shema Yisrael

File Type: Audio

Bere’shit (Genesis)

File Type: Audio

Sufi Songs: Al-Iraqi (Persian)

Fakhr al-Din al-Iraqi

File Type: Audio

Qur’an: Sura Ya-Sin

File Type: Audio

Asma’ Allah al-Husna

File Type: Audio

Qasidat al-Burda

File Type: Audio

Al-Fatiha (The Opener)

File Type: Audio

Vishnu Sahasranama

File Type: Audio

Bhagavad Gita

File Type: Audio

Gayatri Mantra

File Type: Audio

Yayue/Aak (Ancient Chinese Court Music)

File Type: Audio

Aikido Kotodama

File Type: Audio

The Three Gems / Triratna (Audio)

File Type: Audio


File Type: Audio

Gagaku (Music of the Imperial Court, Kyoto)

File Type: Audio

Amitabha Sutra

File Type: Audio

Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God (Audio)

File Type: Audio

Heart Sutra (Audio)

File Type: Audio


Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

Shimmering Reality: The Metaphysics of Relativity in Mystical Traditions

Patrick Laude

File Type: PDF

Protected: Daqiq al-Kalam: A Basis for an Islamic Philosophy of Science

M. B. Altaie

File Type: PDF