The Place of T’ien-fang hsing-li in the Islamic Tradition

William C. Chittick

File Type: PDF

Landscape and Pilgrimage in the Christian Tradition (video)

Alessandro Scafi, Avril Maddrell, Heather Walton, Veronica della Dora

File Type: Video

Comments on a Few Theological Issues in the Islamic-Christian Dialogue

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: PDF

Shugendo and the Yoshino-Kumano Pilgrimage

Paul Swanson

File Type: PDF

The Mystic Word “OM”

Swami Prabhavananda

File Type: PDF

Weighing the Word: Reasoning the Qur’an as Revelation

Peter Samsel

File Type: PDF

Istruzioni sullo dhikr nei centri sottili in alcuni trattati in urdu sulla via mistica

Fabrizio Speziale

File Type: PDF

Philosophy as Spirituality: The Way of the Kyoto School

James W. Heisig

Petite mystagogie de la Divine Liturgie

Hieromonk Elisha (Élisée)

File Type: PDF

On Silence (audio)

Swami Prabhavananda

File Type: Audio

And Why Bach?

J.S. Bach, Rosalyn Tureck

File Type: Audio, HTML, PDF

Collective Initiatic Work and Spiritual Presence

René Guénon

File Type: eBook, PDF

Interfaith Dialogue through Architecture

David Brown

File Type: PDF

The Sage in Chinese Tradition: Wisdom and Virtue Personified

Kim Sung-hae

File Type: PDF

Revelations of Divine Love (selections)

Julian of Norwich

File Type: Audio

Roads to Paradise: The Art of Illumination of the Quran

Tajammul Hussain

File Type: PDF

A.K. Coomaraswamy: A New Encounter with an Old Master

Roger Lipsey

File Type: PDF

Leibniz’s Universal Rational Religion

Lloyd Strickland

File Type: PDF

Is Orthodox Islam Possible without Sufism?

Abdal Hakim Murad, T. J. Winter

File Type: Audio

The Consolation of Philosophy


File Type: PDF

“In the Vale of Soul-Making”

Rupert Sheldrake

File Type: PDF

What Has India Contributed to Human Welfare?

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: eBook, PDF

Spiritual Alchemy for Women

Thomas Cleary

File Type: PDF

Helping the Cosmos: The Indian Avataras

Mary Brockington

File Type: PDF

The Acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God

Nikolay Motovilov, St Seraphim of Sarov

File Type: HTML, PDF

Recovering the Song of Songs as a Text of Devotion in Christian Practice

St Bernard, Stephanie Paulsell

File Type: Audio, PDF

St Bernard on the Song of Songs

St Bernard

File Type: eBook, PDF

Song of Songs (Shir ha-shirim)

File Type: Audio

The Reform of the Modern Mentality

René Guénon

File Type: eBook, PDF

The Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah)

Anonymous, Saadia Gaon

File Type: HTML, PDF

The Underlying Religion (Introduction)

Clinton Minnaar

File Type: PDF

The Shinza or God-seat in the Daijosai

Carmen Blacker

File Type: PDF

The Prayer of Abu Bakr

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

File Type: PDF

Instructions for the Cook (Tenzo Kyokun)

Eihei Dogen

File Type: HTML, PDF

The Language of the Birds

René Guénon

File Type: HTML, PDF

Discovering the Interior Life

Marco Pallis

File Type: HTML, PDF

Mahayana Essence as Seen in the Concept of ‘Return to This World’

Michio Tokunaga

File Type: PDF

Stray Camels in China: Islam’s Attitude Towards Other Religions with Special Reference to Confucianism

William C. Chittick

File Type: PDF

Indian Music

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

The Dragon Gate—The Longmen Tradition at Mount Jingai and its Alchemical Practices

Monica Esposito

File Type: PDF

Rabbinism versus Kabbalism

Moshe Idel

File Type: PDF

Bach as Architect and Servant of the Spiritual

Tjako van Schie

File Type: PDF

“Know Thyself” in Early Christianity

Olga Alieva

File Type: PDF

Meditations on the Divine Name

Abraham Abulafia

File Type: PDF

Primordial Meditation: Contemplating the Real

O Gladsome Light (Phos Hilaron)


File Type: Audio


William Reed

File Type: HTML, PDF

Infinite and Finite

Abdal Hakim Murad, Tim Winter

File Type: Audio

Meister Eckhart’s “Grain of Mustard Seed”

Meister Eckhart

File Type: Audio, eBook, PDF

Book of the XXIV Philosophers (editio minima)


File Type: eBook, PDF

Nichiren’s View of Nation and Religion

Sato Hiroo

File Type: PDF

Alan Chadwick: Man and the Totality of Nature

Chadwick page

File Type: Video

The Power of a Melancholy Humour: Divination and Divine Tears

Angela Voss

File Type: Audio, PDF

Can the West Learn from Islam?

Thomas Cleary

File Type: Audio

Breath, Kiss and Speech as a Source of the Animation of Life

Admiel Kosman

File Type: PDF

Nicholas of Flüe (Brother Klaus)

M. L. Christlieb, Nicholas of Flüe, Werner T. Huber

File Type: PDF

Primordial Meditation (selections)

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: eBook, PDF

Womanhood, an Islamic Perspective

Thomas Cleary

File Type: Audio

The Symbolism of Birds and Flight in the Writings of Ruzbihan Baqli

Carl W. Ernst

File Type: PDF

Tianming, Yijing and the Metaphysical Roots of the Classical Confucian Political Ideal

William Keli’i Akina

File Type: PDF