Library items classified under: Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme

Qur’anic Reasoning as an Academic Practice

Abdal Hakim Murad, T. J. Winter

File Type: PDF

Vatican Response to A Common Word

Tarcisio Card. Bertone

File Type: PDF

The Promise of “A Common Word”

Aref Ali Nayed

File Type: PDF

Growing Ecologies of Peace, Compassion and Blessing: A Muslim Response to “A Muscat Manifesto”

Aref Ali Nayed

File Type: PDF

The Quran: A New Translation

David Ford

File Type: PDF

What is Required of a Religious Leader Today?

David Ford

File Type: PDF

A Common Word: An Open Letter and Call from Muslim Religious Leaders

Muslim Religious Leaders

File Type: PDF

Building Bridges of Understanding

Grand Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh Ali Gomaa

File Type: PDF

Deep Calls to Deep: The Practice of Scriptural Reasoning

Ben Quash

File Type: PDF

Professor David Ford’s Response to A Common Word

David Ford

File Type: PDF

Seeking Muslim, Christian and Jewish Wisdom in the Fifteenth, Twenty-first and Fifty-eighth centuries: A Muscat Manifesto

David Ford

File Type: PDF

Faith and Change: A Christian Perspective

David Ford

File Type: PDF

Human Dignity and Mutual Respect

Abdal Hakim Murad, T. J. Winter

File Type: PDF