Library items classified under: Christianity

Rowan Williams in Conversation—Talking of Books 1

Rowan Williams

File Type: Audio

Religion and the Early Royal Society

Peter Harrison

File Type: PDF

What Does It Mean to be a Person?

Kallistos Ware

File Type: Audio

Mozart – A Celebration of an Unconscious Mystic

John Tavener

File Type: PDF

Listening for God in All Things: Carmina Gadelica

Philip Newell

File Type: eBook, PDF

Tolkiens Christianity Not Incidental but Central

Bradley J. Birzer

File Type: PDF

Centuries of Meditation

Thomas Traherne

File Type: PDF

Does Prayer Change God’s Mind?

David Arias

File Type: PDF

The Angel of Light and Spiritual Discernment in the Orthodox Tradition

Nun Macaria

File Type: PDF

John Main: Biography

John Main, Stefan Reynolds

File Type: HTML, PDF

Jesus: Name Above Every Name

Thomas Hopko

File Type: Audio, PDF

Identity and Theological Ethos of the Eastern Churches

Hieromonk Elisha (Élisée)

File Type: PDF

Thomas Aquinas and Islam

David B. Burrell

File Type: PDF

The Celestial Gardener

Jean Hani

File Type: PDF

The Song of the Sibyl

File Type: Audio

Thomas Merton & Sufism—Gray Henry Lecture

Gray Henry

The Sword of the Spirit: The Making of an Orthodox Rosary

D.M. Deed

File Type: HTML, PDF

Fifty-four Years as an Athonite Pilgrim: Then and Now

Kallistos Ware

File Type: Audio

“Progress” in Retrospect

Wolfgang Smith

File Type: PDF

Double-Entry Accounting and Confession

James Aho

File Type: eBook, PDF

Insights from the Revelations of Divine Love and the Contemplation to Attain Love

Kerrie Hide

File Type: PDF

The Theology and Times of William of Tripoli OP: A Different View of Islam

Thomas F. O’Meara

File Type: PDF

The Book of the Lover and the Beloved

Ramon Llull, Raymond Lully

File Type: PDF

The Vision of God in Philo of Alexandria

David Bradshaw

File Type: PDF

Hindu religion as the ‘complementary/incommensurable other’ to Christian religion

Dominique Wohlschlag

File Type: eBook, PDF

Landscape and Pilgrimage in the Christian Tradition (video)

Alessandro Scafi, Avril Maddrell, Heather Walton, Veronica della Dora

File Type: Video

Comments on a Few Theological Issues in the Islamic-Christian Dialogue

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: PDF

Petite mystagogie de la Divine Liturgie

Hieromonk Elisha (Élisée)

File Type: PDF

Revelations of Divine Love (selections)

Julian of Norwich

File Type: Audio

The Consolation of Philosophy


File Type: PDF

The Acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God

Nikolay Motovilov, St Seraphim of Sarov

File Type: HTML, PDF

Recovering the Song of Songs as a Text of Devotion in Christian Practice

St Bernard, Stephanie Paulsell

File Type: Audio, PDF

St Bernard on the Song of Songs

St Bernard

File Type: eBook, PDF

Discovering the Interior Life

Marco Pallis

File Type: HTML, PDF

Bach as Architect and Servant of the Spiritual

Tjako van Schie

File Type: PDF

“Know Thyself” in Early Christianity

Olga Alieva

File Type: PDF

O Gladsome Light (Phos Hilaron)


File Type: Audio

Meister Eckhart’s “Grain of Mustard Seed”

Meister Eckhart

File Type: Audio, eBook, PDF

Nicholas of Flüe (Brother Klaus)

M. L. Christlieb, Nicholas of Flüe, Werner T. Huber

File Type: PDF

Three Things

John of Ruysbroeck, Ruysbroeck

File Type: eBook, PDF

An Introduction to Lent

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

File Type: eBook, PDF

Truth Is Not Known Unless It Is Loved

Patrick Henry Reardon

File Type: PDF

What is Man?

Patrick Henry Reardon

File Type: eBook, PDF

Thomas Merton and Confucian Rites: The Fig Leaf for the Paradise Condition

John Wu

File Type: PDF

Poblet Monastery Cloister Garden

Josep M. Mallarach

File Type: PDF

Inter or Intra-Religious Dialogue?

Gerard V. Hall

File Type: PDF

Everlasting Joy

Pavel Florensky

File Type: PDF

The Universality of the University

Jean-Luc Marion

File Type: PDF

The Cherubinic Wanderer

Angelus Silesius

File Type: Audio, eBook, PDF

Why Work?

Dorothy L. Sayers

File Type: eBook, PDF

The Desert as Reality and Symbol

Donald Goergen

File Type: eBook, PDF

Desert Spirituality

Ernest. E. Larkin

File Type: eBook, PDF

The Divine Glory and the Divine Energies

David Bradshaw

File Type: PDF

“Know Thyself” in the Christian Fathers

Archbishop of America, Demetrios

File Type: eBook, PDF

Philip Sherrard: His Life & Work

Kallistos Ware, Philip Sherrard

File Type: Video

Exploring Human Interiority

Giuseppe Scattolin

File Type: eBook, PDF

Spirituality in Interreligious Dialogue: Challenge and Promise

Giuseppe Scattolin

File Type: eBook, PDF

The Rule of St Albert and the Ten Books

Felip Ribot

File Type: PDF

Anniyya — Anitas

Marie-Thérèse d’Alverny

File Type: PDF

Praying the Passion

Donal O’Sullivan

File Type: PDF