Library items classified under: Christianity

Prayer of the Heart

Ahmad Achtar, Sebastian Brock

File Type: Audio

The Syrian Orthodox Church and its Diaspora: Modern History and Contemporary Challenges

Sebastian Brock

File Type: Audio

Eckhart’s Image of the Eye and the Wood: An analogy which explains “all that I have ever preached about”

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF

Nature, Man and God

Alvin Moore Jr

File Type: PDF

Requiring Religion: Be What Knows

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Christ Through Jewish Eyes

Mark L. Solomon

File Type: PDF

Can Creatures ‘adorn themselves’ with the Names of God?

David B. Burrell

File Type: PDF

The Gospel of Thomas: In the Light of Early Jewish, Christian and Islamic Esoteric Trajectories

Samuel Zinner

File Type: PDF

Christianity & Islam: Essays on Ontology and Archetype

Samuel Zinner

File Type: PDF

Louis Massignon: The Vow and the Oath

Patrick Laude

File Type: PDF

Vatican Response to A Common Word

Tarcisio Card. Bertone

File Type: PDF

What is Required of a Religious Leader Today?

David Ford

File Type: PDF

A Common Word: An Open Letter and Call from Muslim Religious Leaders

Muslim Religious Leaders

File Type: PDF

Returning to the Essential, Selected Writings of Jean Bies

Alvin Moore Jr

File Type: PDF

Christianity and the Doctrine of Non-Dualism

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

A Traditional Critique of Humanist Art

José Segura

File Type: PDF

Christian Theology and Other Faiths

Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

File Type: PDF

Analysing Atheism: Unbelief and the World of Faiths

Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

File Type: PDF

Religious Morphology, Hermeneutics and Initiation in Andrei Scrima’s Il padre spirituale

Marco Toti

File Type: PDF

Deep Calls to Deep: The Practice of Scriptural Reasoning

Ben Quash

File Type: PDF

Jules Monchanin, Henri Le Saux and the Hindu-Christian Encounter

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Islam, Catholicism and Orthodoxy: The Matrices of Conceptual Transfer

Rusmir Mahmutcehajic

File Type: PDF

Christians, Islam and the Future of Europe

Sandro Magister

File Type: PDF

Human Rights in a Post 9-11 World: How Followers of Christ Relate to Muslims

Rick Love

File Type: PDF

Professor David Ford’s Response to A Common Word

David Ford

File Type: PDF

Seeking Muslim, Christian and Jewish Wisdom in the Fifteenth, Twenty-first and Fifty-eighth centuries: A Muscat Manifesto

David Ford

File Type: PDF

Faith and Change: A Christian Perspective

David Ford

File Type: PDF

Healing the (American) Christian Relationship with the Muslim World: Rejecting Torture — Standing for Justice and Love

Rick Love

File Type: PDF

The Oneness of God’s Community

Archbishop George Khodr

File Type: PDF

Modernity’s Hidden God within Christian and Jewish Pluralism

Gavin D'Costa

File Type: PDF

The Impossibility of a Pluralist View of Religions

Gavin D'Costa

File Type: PDF

Faith and Modernity

Karen Armstrong

File Type: PDF

The Metaphysical Underpinnings of Prayer

Philip Connaughton

File Type: PDF

C. S. Lewis as Apologist and Mystic

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

On Vedantic Non-Dualism and Christianity

Charles Upton, Robert Bolton

File Type: PDF

The Inner Dimension of Pilgrimage to Mount Athos

Marco Toti

File Type: PDF

The Well Amid the Waste

Alvin Moore Jr

File Type: PDF

When Civilizations Meet: How Joseph Ratzinger Sees Islam

Samir Khalil Samir

File Type: PDF

The God Who Provokes Us All to Holiness

Michael Ipgrave

File Type: PDF

The Yoga of Hesychasm

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Thinking the Unthinkable: Anselm’s Excitatio Mentis

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Perennial Philosophy and Christianity

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

The Mystery of the Two Natures

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

The Sound of a Lecture Undelivered: Jesus and the World’s Religions

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

The Middle Way of Christ: Remarks in Dialogue with His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Hesychia: An Orthodox Opening to Esoteric Ecumenism

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Disagreeing to Agree: A Christian Response to A Common Word

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Colorless Light and Pure Air: The Virgin in the Thought of Frithjof Schuon

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Meeting God in Friend & Stranger

Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales

File Type: PDF

Towards a Deeper Ecumenism: Catholicism and Tradition

Stratford Caldecott

File Type: PDF

The Deep Horizon

Stratford Caldecott

File Type: PDF

Reflections on the Stone

Robert Bolton

File Type: PDF

From Phenomenon to Foundation: A Response to Stratford Caldecott

Lynn C. Bauman

File Type: PDF

Sacred Hospitality: Badaliya, the Way of Mystic Substitution

Christopher Bamford

File Type: PDF

Building Bridges 2011 Christian-Muslim Seminar on Prayer 1/3

Michael Plekon, Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: Video

From Religious Form to Spiritual Essence

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF