Zoë Slatoff
File Type: PDFLibrary items classified under: Alchemy
The Stages of the Soul Through the Path of Perfection
Mahnia Nematollahi Mahani, Sanai of Gazna
File Type: PDFThe Emerald Tablet (Tabula smaragdina/al-Lawh al-zumurrudh)
Hermes Trismegistos, Titus Burckhardt
File Type: PDFThe Tibetan Guidance for the Intermediate State (Bardo Thodol)
Chögyam Trungpa, Padmasambhava
File Type: PDFAikido and Tantric Perspectives on the Body—Sound, Word and Reality
Margaret Greenhalgh
File Type: PDFIstruzioni sullo dhikr nei centri sottili in alcuni trattati in urdu sulla via mistica
Fabrizio Speziale
File Type: PDF