Library items classified under: Literature

Divine Love, a Foreword

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: PDF

The View from Above and the Vision of the Heart

Jason M. Baxter

File Type: PDF

Conversations with My Own Heart

Metropolitan Anastasy

File Type: PDF

Luminaries: Twenty Lives that Illuminate the Christian Way, by Rowan Williams

Harry Oldmeadow, Rowan Williams

File Type: PDF

Teresa of Jesus and Islam: The Simile of the Seven Concentric Castles of the Soul

Luce López-Baralt

File Type: PDF

The Voyage of Saint Amaro: A Spanish Legend in Nahuatl Literature

Louise M. Burkhart

File Type: PDF

Sultan Bahu: Alif Allah chambe di booti

Jamal J. Elias, Sultan Bahu

File Type: Audio, HTML

The Qualities of the Solitary Bird

San Juan de la Cruz, St John of the Cross

File Type: HTML

“In That Luminous Darkness”

Vicente Pascual Rodrigo, William Wroth

File Type: PDF

The Great War of the Dark Age: Keys to the Mahabharata

Dominique Wohlschlag

File Type: PDF

Rowan Williams in Conversation—Talking of Books 1

Rowan Williams

File Type: Audio

Tolkiens Christianity Not Incidental but Central

Bradley J. Birzer

File Type: PDF

Centuries of Meditation

Thomas Traherne

File Type: PDF

Cantique de la Connaissance

Oscar Milosz

File Type: Audio, PDF

Adastra — To the Stars

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: Audio, HTML

Insights from the Revelations of Divine Love and the Contemplation to Attain Love

Kerrie Hide

File Type: PDF

The Mythological & Ritualistic Background of Plato’s Timaeus

Rodney Blackhirst

File Type: PDF

The Book of the Lover and the Beloved

Ramon Llull, Raymond Lully

File Type: PDF

Revelations of Divine Love (selections)

Julian of Norwich

File Type: Audio

The Consolation of Philosophy


File Type: PDF

Song of Songs (Shir ha-shirim)

File Type: Audio

Meister Eckhart’s “Grain of Mustard Seed”

Meister Eckhart

File Type: Audio, eBook, PDF

The Symbolism of Birds and Flight in the Writings of Ruzbihan Baqli

Carl W. Ernst

File Type: PDF

A Prescription for Yoga (Yogavidhi)

James L. Fitzgerald

File Type: PDF

The Cherubinic Wanderer

Angelus Silesius

File Type: Audio, eBook, PDF

The Wine-Song (Al-Khamriyya)

Martin Lings, Umar Ibn al-Farid

File Type: PDF

“Yudhishthira and His Dog” (Mahaprasthanika Parva)

File Type: eBook, PDF

Collected Poems

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

L’Ésotérisme de Béowulf

Adrian Paterson

File Type: PDF

New Jerusalem Glowing: Songs and Poems of Leonard Cohen in a Kabbalistic Key

Elliot R. Wolfson

File Type: PDF

Songs of the Love between Radha and Krishna (Bangiya Padabali)

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Vidyapati

File Type: PDF

The Phoenix and the Turtle

Juan Acevedo, William Shakespeare

File Type: Audio, PDF

Iroha Song


File Type: Audio

Dark Night / Living Flame

San Juan de la Cruz, St John of the Cross

File Type: Audio

The Gift of Iluvatar: Tolkien’s Theological Vision

Damien Casey

File Type: PDF

Measure for Measure

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio


Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

Keats and Shakespeare

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

Climbing Mount Purgatorio: Reflections from the Seventh Cornice

Hamza Yusuf

File Type: PDF

Music of the Sky, An Anthology of Spiritual Poetry, edited by Patrick Laude & Barry McDonald

John Herlihy

File Type: PDF

To a Buddhist Beat: Allen Ginsberg on Politics, Poetics and Spirituality

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF