Library items classified under: Poetry

Divine Love, a Foreword

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: PDF

The Desacralization of Work

Roger Sworder

File Type: PDF

Sultan Bahu: Alif Allah chambe di booti

Jamal J. Elias, Sultan Bahu

File Type: Audio, HTML

The Qualities of the Solitary Bird

San Juan de la Cruz, St John of the Cross

File Type: HTML

“In That Luminous Darkness”

Vicente Pascual Rodrigo, William Wroth

File Type: PDF

Central Asian Song by Munojot Yulchiyeva

Munojat Yulchieva

File Type: Audio

Portrait of Walatta Petros, an Ethiopian Saint

Derek Gideon, Galawdewos, Wendy Belcher

File Type: PDF

“De tu boca a los cielos” Jewish Women’s Songs in Northern Morocco as Oracles of Communal Holiness

Vanessa Paloma Elbaz

File Type: PDF

The Cosmic Dance

Aelred Squire OP

File Type: PDF

Rowan Williams in Conversation—Talking of Books 1

Rowan Williams

File Type: Audio

The Hundred-Word Eulogy (Baizizan)

Hongwu Emperor

File Type: Audio, PDF

Cantique de la Connaissance

Oscar Milosz

File Type: Audio, PDF

The Song of the Sibyl

File Type: Audio

Adastra — To the Stars

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: Audio, HTML

Sanskrit Alphabet Shiva Sutras (Maheshvara Sutrani)

File Type: Audio

The Book of the Lover and the Beloved

Ramon Llull, Raymond Lully

File Type: PDF

Song of Songs (Shir ha-shirim)

File Type: Audio

Meister Eckhart’s “Grain of Mustard Seed”

Meister Eckhart

File Type: Audio, eBook, PDF

The Symbolism of Birds and Flight in the Writings of Ruzbihan Baqli

Carl W. Ernst

File Type: PDF

The Cherubinic Wanderer

Angelus Silesius

File Type: Audio, eBook, PDF

“Laila” and other poems

Martin Lings, Shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi

File Type: Audio, PDF

The Mystic Rose Garden (Gulshan-i Raz)

Mahmud Shabistari

File Type: PDF

Ghazali’s Deathbed Poem (Qul li-ikhwani)

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

File Type: PDF

The Wine-Song (Al-Khamriyya)

Martin Lings, Umar Ibn al-Farid

File Type: PDF

“Yudhishthira and His Dog” (Mahaprasthanika Parva)

File Type: eBook, PDF

Bhagavad Gita with Shankaracharya’s Commentary

Sri Shankaracharya

File Type: PDF

Collected Poems

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

L’Ésotérisme de Béowulf

Adrian Paterson

File Type: PDF

The Narrow Road to the Interior (Oku no Hosomichi)

Matsuo Basho

File Type: Audio

Divine Love in Early Persian Prose

William C. Chittick

File Type: Video

Songs of the Love between Radha and Krishna (Bangiya Padabali)

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Vidyapati

File Type: PDF

The Phoenix and the Turtle

Juan Acevedo, William Shakespeare

File Type: Audio, PDF

Medieval Jewish Poetry (Audio)

Abraham Abulafia, Solomon ibn Gabirol

File Type: Audio

Uzbek Yar-Yar


File Type: Audio

Dark Night / Living Flame

San Juan de la Cruz, St John of the Cross

File Type: Audio

Poetry and Prayer Beyond Words

Graeme Watson

File Type: PDF

The Winter’s Tale

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio


Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

Martin Lings: The Sanctity of Sincerity

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF

Keats and Shakespeare

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

The Living Palm Tree: Parables, Stories, and Teachings from the Kabbalah

Mario Satz

File Type: PDF

Music of the Sky, An Anthology of Spiritual Poetry, edited by Patrick Laude & Barry McDonald

John Herlihy

File Type: PDF

Esoteric Dimensions of Deep Ecology

Paul Davies

File Type: PDF