Library items classified under: Psychology

The Islamic Concept of Human Perfection

William C. Chittick

File Type: PDF

Looking Forward to Tradition:
The Contemporary World in the Light
of the Perennial Philosophy

The Analects of Confucius

Confucius, Kong Zi

File Type: eBook, PDF

Psycho-Analysis and Spirituality

D M Matheson

File Type: eBook, PDF

Knowledge and KNOWLEDGE

D M Matheson

File Type: eBook, PDF

The Blessed Passion of Holy Love: Maximus the Confessor’s Spiritual Psychology

Bronwen Neil

File Type: PDF

Human Origins and Destinies According to the Great Religions of the World

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

On the Creation of Women

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

File Type: PDF

A Contemplation of the Herbs

Thomas Adams

File Type: PDF

“Fasting is Mine”

Abdal Hakim Murad, T. J. Winter

File Type: Audio

On Death

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

File Type: PDF

Of the Cross (Audio)

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: Audio

What is Prayer?

Kallistos Ware

File Type: Audio

The Roar of the Tigress (vol. II)

Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett

File Type: PDF

The Winter’s Tale

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio


Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

Measure for Measure

Martin Lings

File Type: Audio


Martin Lings

File Type: Audio

Martin Lings on the Three Human Faculties

Martin Lings

File Type: Video

Theology and the Contemplative Calling: The Image of Humanity in the Philokalia

Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

File Type: Audio

Faith, Hope and Charity in Tomorrow’s World

Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

File Type: Audio

The Metaphysics of Tawhid and the Consummation of Love in Islam

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: Audio

The Heart is the Throne of the All-Merciful (Audio)

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: Audio

Tradition and the False Prophets of Modernism

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

The Critique of Modernism: Scientism, Evolutionism, Psychologism and Humanism

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

The Importance of Spiritual Literacy

M. Ali Lakhani

File Type: PDF

C. G. Jung & Mircea Eliade: “Priests without Surplices”? Reflections on the Place of Myth, Religion and Science in Their Work

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

The Secret of Shakespeare, Part 3 (Othello)

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

The Secret of Shakespeare, Part 2 (Henry IV & Hamlet)

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

The Secret of Shakespeare, Part 1 (Introduction)

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

Imam Ali and the Spiritual Meaning of “Intellect”

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: Video

Contemporary Crises: A Qur’anic Response

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: Video

The Prophetic Paradigm

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF