Library items classified under: Science

Will the Stars Sing on the Last Day? Cosmology and Eschatology

Michael Root

File Type: PDF

Mysterious Reds

Spike Bucklow

File Type: PDF

On Light (De Luce)

Robert Grosseteste

File Type: PDF

The Cosmology of the Arab Philosophers

Titus Burckhardt

File Type: PDF

In between the mind and the heart: Katip Çelebi’s concept of ‘Ilm

Selen Morkoç

File Type: PDF

The Great Partnership—Introduction

Jonathan Sacks

File Type: PDF

The Seven Liberal Arts and the West Door of Chartres Cathedral

Titus Burckhardt

File Type: HTML, PDF

Who is Man? The Perennial Answer of Islam

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: HTML, PDF

Insight into Alchemy

Titus Burckhardt

File Type: HTML, PDF

“Spiritual Paternity” and the “Puppet Complex”

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Modern Science and the Dehumanization of Man

Philip Sherrard

File Type: HTML, PDF

Liturgical Music in Music Therapy Practice

Severina-Maria Oprea

File Type: PDF

Reflections on the Right Use of School Studies with a View to the Love of God

Simone Weil

File Type: PDF

Religion and the Early Royal Society

Peter Harrison

File Type: PDF

Is the Matter of Metaphysics Immaterial? Yes and No

Hamza Yusuf

File Type: PDF


Abraham Joshua Heschel

File Type: PDF

“Progress” in Retrospect

Wolfgang Smith

File Type: PDF

Leibniz’s Universal Rational Religion

Lloyd Strickland

File Type: PDF

“In the Vale of Soul-Making”

Rupert Sheldrake

File Type: PDF

Rediscovering God (audio)

Rupert Sheldrake

File Type: Audio

Interpreting the Image of the Human Body in Premodern India

Dominik Wujastyk

File Type: PDF

Intellectual Freedom

Lord Northbourne

File Type: PDF

Some Metaphysical Principles Pertaining to Nature

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: PDF

Martin Lings—Youth Conflict Between Science & Religion

Martin Lings

File Type: Video

Setting Science Free From Materialism

Rupert Sheldrake

File Type: Video

In the Beginning Was Consciousness

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: Video

Protected: Daqiq al-Kalam: A Basis for an Islamic Philosophy of Science

M. B. Altaie

File Type: PDF

Power and Responsibility: Science, Humanity and Religion in the 21st Century

Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks

File Type: Audio

Knowledge and the Sacred

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: Audio

The Critique of Modernism: Scientism, Evolutionism, Psychologism and Humanism

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Requiring Religion: Be What Knows

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

The Wisdom of Ancient Cosmology, by Wolfgang Smith

Marilyn Prever, Wolfgang Smith

File Type: PDF

“The Firmament Sheweth His Handiwork”: Re-awakening a Religious Sense of the Natural Order

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

The Metaphysics of Ecology

Peter Milward

File Type: PDF

Faith and Modernity

Karen Armstrong

File Type: PDF