Library items classified under: PDF

Divine Love, a Foreword

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: PDF

Will the Stars Sing on the Last Day? Cosmology and Eschatology

Michael Root

File Type: PDF

The Stages of the Soul Through the Path of Perfection

Mahnia Nematollahi Mahani, Sanai of Gazna

File Type: PDF

Getting Away from ‘Religion’ in Medieval Japan

Philip Garrett

File Type: PDF

Introduction to Yinyang Cosmology

Robin R.Wang

File Type: PDF

The Message of Islamic Art

Jean-Louis Michon

File Type: PDF

The Statue of Kannon as a Boy

Paul S. Atkins

File Type: PDF

A Meditation on Friendship

Brian Lundberg, Zhuang Zi

File Type: PDF

The Emerald Tablet (Tabula smaragdina/al-Lawh al-zumurrudh)

Hermes Trismegistos, Titus Burckhardt

File Type: PDF


Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Gadamer’s Fusion of Horizons & al-Biruni

Al-Biruni, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Kemal Ataman

File Type: PDF

Harmonizing Yin and Yang

Eva Wong

File Type: PDF

The Concept of Shogon

Christian Boehm

File Type: PDF

The Two Selves: Coomaraswamy as Man and Metaphysician

Roger Lipsey

File Type: PDF

Mysterious Reds

Spike Bucklow

File Type: PDF

The Symbolism of Archery

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Dancing the Islamic Way

Shahzad Bashir

File Type: PDF

The Indian Craftsman

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Jawanmardi: Treatise of Hatim

Husayn Wa’iz Kashifi, Lloyd Ridgeon

File Type: PDF

Buddha as a Musician: An Illustration of a Jataka Story

Bo Lawergren

File Type: PDF

The View from Above and the Vision of the Heart

Jason M. Baxter

File Type: PDF

The Boat and the Helmsman

Michael Negus

File Type: HTML, PDF

Conversations with My Own Heart

Metropolitan Anastasy

File Type: PDF

From Goddess to Dragon: Benzaiten

Bernard Faure

File Type: PDF

On Light (De Luce)

Robert Grosseteste

File Type: PDF

Knowledge and Love

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: PDF

Yijing Hexagrams: 1. Heaven (qian)

File Type: PDF

Prayer: An Adventure in Living

B. C. Butler

File Type: PDF

‘Watching myself in the mirror, I saw ‘Ali in my eyes’

Sara Kuehn

File Type: PDF

The Spirituality of Work and the Body Social

Jean Hani

File Type: PDF

The Eternal Feminine in Sufism

Eric Geoffroy

File Type: PDF

Talismanic Seeing: The Induction of Power in Indonesian Zoomorphic Art

James Bennett

File Type: PDF

Secrets on Cultivating the Mind

Chinul, Robert Buswell Jr.

File Type: PDF

In the Cemetery

Mario Satz

File Type: PDF

Nature Can Overcome Nature

Titus Burckhardt

File Type: PDF

Growing a Kingdom: The Goddess of Depth in Vizianagaram

David Shulman, Don Handelman, M. V. Krishnayya

File Type: PDF

The Five Dreams of the Buddha

Claudine Bautze-Picron

File Type: PDF

Hayy ibn Yaqzan—An Allegorical Tale

Ibn Tufayl

File Type: PDF

The Dreaming

W.E.H. Stanner

File Type: PDF

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus

Bart?omiej Grysa, Pieter W. van der Horst

File Type: HTML, PDF

Powerful Words and Eloquent Images from Mesoamerica

Diana Magaloni Kerpel

File Type: PDF

Semiology of the Dharma; or, The Somaticity of the Text

Kukai, Ryuichi Abe

File Type: PDF

On the Eastern Tradition of the Arrow Prayer

Fr. Anthony St. Shenouda

File Type: PDF

Korean Buddhism: Two Prefaces by Master Wonhyo

A. Charles Muller, Wonhyo

File Type: PDF

The Rabbi and the Sheikh

Zvi Zohar

File Type: PDF

Mythologies of Memory and Forgetting

Mircea Eliade

File Type: PDF

Recollection, Indian and Platonic

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Nature and Function of the Spiritual Master

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: PDF

Tzedek: Justice and Compassion

Jonathan Sacks

File Type: PDF

Transfiguring Voluptuous Choice

Stephen Muse

File Type: PDF

Happiness as a Skill

Thanissaro Bhikkhu

File Type: PDF

Macarius: The Fire in the Heart

George Maloney, Pseudo-Macarius

File Type: PDF

The Symbolism of Weaving

René Guénon

File Type: PDF

Black Elk Speaks—Excerpt

Black Elk, John G. Neihardt

File Type: PDF

Shinto Purification: The Misogi Ritual

Stuart D. B. Picken

File Type: PDF

Simnani on Seclusion and Recollection

al-Simnani, Jamal J. Elias

File Type: PDF

The Cosmology of the Arab Philosophers

Titus Burckhardt

File Type: PDF

La Martorana: Church of St Mary of the Admiral in Palermo

Maria Vaiou

File Type: PDF

The Four Pillars of Sainthood

Michel Chodkiewicz

File Type: PDF

Porphyry on Pythagoras

Kenneth S. Guthrie, Porphyry

File Type: HTML, PDF