Library items classified under: PDF

Whose Objectivity? Which Neutrality? The Doomed Quest for a Neutral Vantage Point from Which to Judge Religions

Gavin D'Costa

File Type: PDF

Modernity’s Hidden God within Christian and Jewish Pluralism

Gavin D'Costa

File Type: PDF

The Possibility of Religious Pluralism: A Reply to Gavin D’Costa

John Hick

File Type: PDF

The Impossibility of a Pluralist View of Religions

Gavin D'Costa

File Type: PDF

Open Letter on Tradition

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Face to Face: The Difference Between Hindu and Christian Non-Dualism

Stratford Caldecott

File Type: PDF

Melodies from the Beyond: Australian Aboriginal Religion in Schuonian Perspective

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Selections from The Spirit of Indian Women

Judith Fitzgerald (ed.), Michael Oren Fitzgerald (ed.)

File Type: PDF

Noble Lie

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Femininity, Hierarchy, and God

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

“Mystery” and Scriptural Text in the Post-Modern Age

Lynn C. Bauman

File Type: PDF

Faith and Modernity

Karen Armstrong

File Type: PDF

The Metaphysical Underpinnings of Prayer

Philip Connaughton

File Type: PDF

The Ternary and the Quaternary

Robert Bolton

File Type: PDF

The Alchemy of Traditional Foods

Rodney Blackhirst

File Type: PDF

Above And Below: Correspondence In Astrology

Rodney Blackhirst

File Type: PDF

The Cave of the Heart: The Life of Swami Abhishiktananda, by Shirley du Boulay

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Buddha in a Bookshop, by Peter Kelly

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Against the Modern World, by Mark Sedgwick

Michael Fitzgerald

File Type: PDF

A Knowledge that Wounds our Nature: The Message of Frithjof Schuon

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

C. S. Lewis as Apologist and Mystic

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

The Problematic of the Unity of Religions

Jean Borella

File Type: PDF

On Vedantic Non-Dualism and Christianity

Charles Upton, Robert Bolton

File Type: PDF

Sacred Web Conference—An Introduction

HRH Charles Prince of Wales

File Type: PDF

Esoteric Dimensions of Deep Ecology

Paul Davies

File Type: PDF

Two Economies

Wendell Berry

File Type: PDF

Of Art and Skill

Brian Keeble

File Type: PDF

Beauty as Outward Virtue — Virtue as Inward Beauty: The Sacred Art of Living

Deborah Bell, Jonathan Bell

File Type: PDF

The Light of the Intellect

Abraham Abulafia

File Type: PDF

Descended from Abraham: Exploring the Common Heritage of Jews, Christians and Muslims

Edward Kessler

File Type: PDF

Islamic Discourse: Between the Conclusive and the Variable

Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah

File Type: PDF

Emir Abd El-Kader’s Letter, from Commander of the Faithful

Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza'iri, John Kiser

File Type: PDF

Human Dignity and Mutual Respect

Abdal Hakim Murad, T. J. Winter

File Type: PDF

The Life of Swami Ramdas

Susunaga Weeraperuma

File Type: PDF

Frithjof Schuon and Sri Ramana Maharshi: A survey of the spiritual masters of the 20th century

Mateus Soares de Azevedo

File Type: PDF

Shankara: Tat tvam asi

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF

Foreword to Language of the Self

Venkataraman Raghavan

File Type: PDF

Sankara’s Doctrine of Maya

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

The Miracle of Ayurveda: Ancient Treatments for Modern Afflictions

John Ahmed Herlihy

File Type: PDF

Selected Discourses

Sri Anandamayi Ma

File Type: PDF

The Vedic Religion: Introductory

HH the 68th Jagadguru of Kanchi

File Type: PDF


Huston Smith

File Type: PDF

Introduction to Light from the East

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

The Book of Tea

Okakura Kakuzo

File Type: PDF

The Inner Dimension of Pilgrimage to Mount Athos

Marco Toti

File Type: PDF

The Well Amid the Waste

Alvin Moore Jr

File Type: PDF

When Civilizations Meet: How Joseph Ratzinger Sees Islam

Samir Khalil Samir

File Type: PDF

The God Who Provokes Us All to Holiness

Michael Ipgrave

File Type: PDF

The Yoga of Hesychasm

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Thinking the Unthinkable: Anselm’s Excitatio Mentis

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Perennial Philosophy and Christianity

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

The Mystery of the Two Natures

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

The Sound of a Lecture Undelivered: Jesus and the World’s Religions

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

The Middle Way of Christ: Remarks in Dialogue with His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Hesychia: An Orthodox Opening to Esoteric Ecumenism

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Disagreeing to Agree: A Christian Response to A Common Word

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Colorless Light and Pure Air: The Virgin in the Thought of Frithjof Schuon

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Meeting God in Friend & Stranger

Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales

File Type: PDF

Towards a Deeper Ecumenism: Catholicism and Tradition

Stratford Caldecott

File Type: PDF