Library items classified under: PDF

The Deep Horizon

Stratford Caldecott

File Type: PDF

Reflections on the Stone

Robert Bolton

File Type: PDF

From Phenomenon to Foundation: A Response to Stratford Caldecott

Lynn C. Bauman

File Type: PDF

Sacred Hospitality: Badaliya, the Way of Mystic Substitution

Christopher Bamford

File Type: PDF

Conceptions of the Absolute in Mahayana Buddhism and the Pure Land Way

John Paraskevopoulos

File Type: PDF

“Delivering the last blade of grass”: Aspects of the Bodhisattva Ideal in the Mahayana

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism

Algis Uždavinys

File Type: PDF

A Tree in the Forest: A Collection of Similes

Ajahn Chah

File Type: PDF

Reflections on Tradition and Modernity

His Holiness The Dalai Lama

File Type: PDF

The Prophetic Paradigm

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF

From Religious Form to Spiritual Essence

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF