Library items classified under: PDF

Iamblichus: The Pythagorean Life

Gillian Clark, Iamblichus

File Type: PDF

The Desacralization of Work

Roger Sworder

File Type: PDF

The Buddhist Jhanas and Mystical Prayer and its Degrees

Daniel Millet Gil

File Type: PDF

Luminaries: Twenty Lives that Illuminate the Christian Way, by Rowan Williams

Harry Oldmeadow, Rowan Williams

File Type: PDF

Faith Comes from the Sea

George Quinn

File Type: PDF

Music: Metaphysical Correspondences

Alain Daniélou

File Type: PDF

The Rule of St Columbanus

St Columbanus

File Type: PDF

The Rule of Saint Benedict

St Benedict of Nursia

File Type: Audio, PDF

Itz’aat and Tlamatini: The “Wise Man” as Keeper of Maya and Nahua Collective Memory

Daniel Graña-Behrens

File Type: PDF


Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Shared Rituals Through Ziyarat in Lebanon

Nour Farra-Haddad

File Type: PDF

The Imitation of Christ

Thomas a Kempis

File Type: Audio, PDF

Saint Sharbel of Lebanon

Mar Charbel Family

File Type: PDF

Heavenly Seclusion (Tianyinzi—Taoist Meditation)

Livia Kohn

File Type: PDF

Shuo Gua (Explanation of the Diagrams)—Yijing

Richard J. Lynn, Richard Wilhelm

File Type: PDF

What is Symbolism?

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

Revelation as Concealment: The Theology of the Icon Screen

Maximos Constas

File Type: PDF

The Mystery of the Veil

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: PDF

Baqashot: El Mistater (The God Who Hides)

Avraham Maimin

File Type: Audio, PDF

The Hasidic Nigun

Hanoch Avenary

File Type: PDF

In between the mind and the heart: Katip Çelebi’s concept of ‘Ilm

Selen Morkoç

File Type: PDF

The Great Partnership—Introduction

Jonathan Sacks

File Type: PDF

Towards the Essential: Letters of a Spiritual Master

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: PDF

Jewish-Muslim Veneration at Pilgrimage Places in the Holy Land

Pamela Berger

File Type: PDF

Sonic Liturgy—Introduction

Guy L. Beck

File Type: PDF

One God, Many Names

Umar Faruq Abd-Allah

File Type: PDF

Divine Love in the Medieval Cosmos

Jack Ford

File Type: PDF

The Dance of Shiva

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Letters of a Sufi Scholar: Nabulusi

Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi, Samer Akkach

File Type: PDF

Acts of Improvement

Dagmar Wujastyk

File Type: PDF

Voices of the Fire: Ancient Theurgy and Its Tools

Algis Uždavinys

File Type: PDF

“For He is Our Peace”: Thomas Aquinas on Christ as Cause of Peace in the City of the Saints

Matthew A. Tapie

File Type: PDF

The Veil of the Temple: A Study of Christian Initiation

Marco Pallis

File Type: PDF

The Archetypes of Devotional Homage

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

Jewish–Muslim Mystical Encounters in the Middle Ages

Sara Sviri

File Type: PDF

Teresa of Jesus and Islam: The Simile of the Seven Concentric Castles of the Soul

Luce López-Baralt

File Type: PDF

Sacred Music and Hindu Religious Experience

Guy L. Beck

File Type: PDF

Infinite Life Sutra

John Walker

File Type: PDF

Sufi Shaykhs and Disciples

Abd al-Aziz al-Dabbagh, Bernd Radtke, John O’Kane

File Type: PDF

A Portion of Heaven on Earth: The Tradition of Enclosed Gardens

Michaela Eskew

File Type: PDF

The Flower Garland: Avatamsaka Sutra

Anonymous, Thomas Cleary

File Type: PDF

Ethiopian Dabtara: The Musician and Transmission of Religious Tradition

Kay Kaufman Shelemay

File Type: PDF

A Mountain of Saints and Sages

Tristan G. Brown

File Type: PDF

The Seven Liberal Arts and the West Door of Chartres Cathedral

Titus Burckhardt

File Type: HTML, PDF

Who is Man? The Perennial Answer of Islam

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: HTML, PDF

The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva

Ngulchu Thogme

File Type: PDF

Mother of All Creatures: Alchemical Views on Matter

Michela Pereira

File Type: PDF

Insight into Alchemy

Titus Burckhardt

File Type: HTML, PDF

Guanyin as Goddess of the Sea—Iconography

Margaret Reid

File Type: PDF

Making Sense

Martina Bagnoli

File Type: PDF

Rabbi Nachman: Selected Aphorisms

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

File Type: PDF

“This is my body”: Symbolism in bread & bread-making

Phillip Serradell

File Type: PDF

Lives of Man—The Barzakh and Beyond

Abdallah ibn ‘Alawi al-Haddad

File Type: PDF

Sacred Icons

Aidan Hart

File Type: PDF

Shakuhachi Zen: Mukaiji

Alcvin Ramos, James H. Sanford, Yoshio Kurahashi

File Type: Audio, PDF

Time and Eternity: Christian and Modern

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Between Time and Eternity

John of the Angels, Juan de los Angeles

File Type: PDF

Stars and Saints

Noah Gardiner

File Type: PDF

Astronomical Cycles According to Ibn ‘Arabi

Ibn Arabi, Titus Burckhardt

File Type: PDF