Library items classified under: PDF



File Type: PDF

The Play of Masks

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: PDF

Traditional Cosmological Symbolism in Ancient Board Games

Gaspar Pujol Nicolau

File Type: PDF

A West African Sufi Saint (introduction to Kashif al-Ilbas)

Zachary Wright

File Type: PDF

Tao Te Ching (Daodejing—selections with audio)

Lao Tzu

File Type: Audio, PDF

The Voyage of Saint Amaro: A Spanish Legend in Nahuatl Literature

Louise M. Burkhart

File Type: PDF

Music as a Tool for Self-Realization in Chinese Culture

Rafa? Mazur

File Type: PDF

St Brendan’s Navigation: Landscape and Paradise in Early Medieval Ireland

Elva Johnston

File Type: PDF

A Mystical Encounter: Beaurecueil and Ansari

Minlib Dallh

File Type: PDF

Simone Weil on the Lord’s Prayer: “Une attention pure

Simone Weil

File Type: HTML, PDF

Playing Cards with God, Sister Mariana da Purificação

Joana Serrado

File Type: PDF

Paths That Lead to the Same Summit

Samuel Bendeck Sotillos

File Type: PDF

The Mysteries of the Letter Nun

René Guénon

File Type: PDF

The Flood in Hindu Tradition

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: HTML, PDF

Yogaswami: Life and Teachings of Sri Lanka’s Great Master


File Type: PDF

The Library of Saint Catherine’s Monastery: intellectual treasures and spiritual perfection

Charles Méla

File Type: PDF

Visualization of Colors: David ben Yehudah he-Hasid’s Kabbalistic Diagram

Moshe Idel

File Type: PDF

Turning to the Heart to Find the Pearl of Eternity

William Law

File Type: PDF

The Eight Trigrams and Their Changes

Matthias Hayek

File Type: PDF

Te Ira Atua: The Spiritual Spark of the Child

Lesley Rameka

File Type: PDF

Spiritual Discipline and Psychic Power

James Cowan

File Type: PDF

Movement and Stillness in Sufi Dhikr

Shahzad Bashir

File Type: PDF

Twelve Criteria for Sacred Architecture

Keith Critchlow

File Type: PDF

Kinds and Uses of Dreams

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

File Type: PDF

On Those who Think that They are Made Righteous by Works

St Mark The Ascetic

File Type: PDF

“In That Luminous Darkness”

Vicente Pascual Rodrigo, William Wroth

File Type: PDF

Kebra Nagast: The Queen of Sheba and Her Son Menelik

E.A. Wallis Budge

File Type: PDF

The Maiden of Ludmir–The Maiden Possessed

Nathaniel Deutsch

File Type: PDF

Ritual Visualization of the Saint in Jewish and Muslim Mysticism

Paul B. Fenton

File Type: PDF

The Craft of the Heart

Ajaan Lee

File Type: HTML, PDF

From Shamanism to Sufism: Female Singers from Central Asia and Sufism

Razia Sultanova

File Type: PDF

Ignatian and Hesychast Spirituality: Praying Together

Tim Noble

File Type: PDF

René Guénon et le judaïsme

Paul B. Fenton

File Type: PDF

“Spiritual Paternity” and the “Puppet Complex”

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

A Genealogical Study of De: Poetical Correspondence of Sky, Earth, and Humankind

Huaiyu Wang

File Type: PDF

Imam ‘Ali From Concise History to Timeless Mystery

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF

Bardo Prayer (The Precious Garland)

File Type: Audio, PDF

The Tibetan Guidance for the Intermediate State (Bardo Thodol)

Chögyam Trungpa, Padmasambhava

File Type: PDF

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) An Appreciation of his Life and Work, by One Who Knew Him

Marco Pallis

File Type: HTML, PDF

The Perennial Philosophy and the Recovery of a Theophanic View of Nature

Jeremy Naydler

File Type: PDF

Modern Science and the Dehumanization of Man

Philip Sherrard

File Type: HTML, PDF

Solitary Meditation in Jewish and Islamic Mysticism

Paul B. Fenton

File Type: PDF

The Qur’an in Comparison and the Birth of ‘scriptures’

Alexander Bevilacqua, Jan Loop

File Type: PDF

Yogic-Sufi Homologies: The Case of the “Six Principles” Yoga of Naropa and the Kubrawiyya

Toby Mayer

File Type: PDF

Portrait of Walatta Petros, an Ethiopian Saint

Derek Gideon, Galawdewos, Wendy Belcher

File Type: PDF

The Great War of the Dark Age: Keys to the Mahabharata

Dominique Wohlschlag

File Type: PDF

“De tu boca a los cielos” Jewish Women’s Songs in Northern Morocco as Oracles of Communal Holiness

Vanessa Paloma Elbaz

File Type: PDF

The Cosmic Dance

Aelred Squire OP

File Type: PDF

A Comparison of Hindu and Buddhist Techniques of Attaining Samadhi

Eddie Crangle

File Type: PDF

Liturgical Music in Music Therapy Practice

Severina-Maria Oprea

File Type: PDF

Carthusians and Spiritual Guidance

Gordon Mursell

File Type: PDF

Reflections on the Right Use of School Studies with a View to the Love of God

Simone Weil

File Type: PDF

Religion and the Early Royal Society

Peter Harrison

File Type: PDF

The Impasse of Modern Psychology

Samuel Bendeck Sotillos

File Type: PDF

Aikido and Tantric Perspectives on the Body—Sound, Word and Reality

Margaret Greenhalgh

File Type: PDF

Al-Biruni’s Arabic Version of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Al-Biruni, Shlomo Pines, Tuvia Gelblum

File Type: PDF

Mozart – A Celebration of an Unconscious Mystic

John Tavener

File Type: PDF

Patanjali Yoga Sutras


File Type: Audio, HTML, PDF

The Contradiction of Relativism

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: HTML, PDF

The Speech of Being, the Voice of God

Eitan P. Fishbane

File Type: PDF