Library items classified under: PDF

Light Upon Light: the Principle of Rahma in Imam ‘Ali’s Discourses

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF

Mysteries of Speech and Breath (from Himitsu nenbutsu sho)

Aaron P. Proffitt

File Type: PDF

Ten Rungs of Hasidic Wisdom–Selections

Martin Buber

File Type: PDF

Listening for God in All Things: Carmina Gadelica

Philip Newell

File Type: eBook, PDF

Susokukan—Counting the Zen Way

Eizan Tatsuta

File Type: PDF

What is Conservatism?

Titus Burckhardt

File Type: PDF

Mulla Sadra on the Efficacy of Prayer

Sayeh Meisami

File Type: PDF

Tolkiens Christianity Not Incidental but Central

Bradley J. Birzer

File Type: PDF

Centuries of Meditation

Thomas Traherne

File Type: PDF

Mithila and Madhubani Indian Painting: Forest of Honey

Pradyumna P. Karan

File Type: PDF

The One Letter Sutra: A (Ekakshari Sutra/Ajikan)

Ronald S. Green

File Type: PDF

Does Prayer Change God’s Mind?

David Arias

File Type: PDF

Al-Ghazali on Prayer—For Every Occasion

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

File Type: PDF

The Experience of God—Illusion and Reality

David Bentley Hart

File Type: PDF

Is the Matter of Metaphysics Immaterial? Yes and No

Hamza Yusuf

File Type: PDF

The Angel of Light and Spiritual Discernment in the Orthodox Tradition

Nun Macaria

File Type: PDF

Aikido and the Structure of the Universe

Christopher Li, Morihei Ueshiba

File Type: HTML, PDF

John Main: Biography

John Main, Stefan Reynolds

File Type: HTML, PDF

The 36 – Who Are They? A Kol Nidre Sermon

Rabbi Raymond A. Zwerin

File Type: PDF

Tannisho: Shin Buddhist Aphorisms

Shinran Shonin

File Type: PDF

Le Taoïsme sans Tao

André Préau

File Type: PDF

Kikuyu Kiondo Cosmology: Why Traditional African Huts are Circular

Joseph Waweru Kamenju

File Type: PDF

Jesus: Name Above Every Name

Thomas Hopko

File Type: Audio, PDF

The Queen and the Avatar

Dominique Wohlschlag

File Type: PDF

Amatsu Norito—Shinto Incantations

File Type: Audio, PDF

The Three Circles of Existence

Kurt Almqvist

File Type: HTML, PDF

Metaphysics of Musical Polyphony

Marco Pallis

File Type: Audio, HTML, PDF

Ghazali’s Mishkat al-Anwar (Niche of Lights)

A. J. Wensinck

File Type: PDF

The Heart of Wang Daiyu’s Philosophy: The Seven Subtleties of Islamic Spiritual Physiology

Kristian Petersen

File Type: PDF

The Meaning of hatha in Early Hathayoga

Jason Birch

File Type: PDF

Language, Mind, and Reality

Benjamin Lee Whorf

File Type: PDF

The Self as Enemy, the Self as Divine: A Crossroads in the Development of Islamic Anthropology

Taneli Kukkonen

File Type: PDF

The Hundred-Word Eulogy (Baizizan)

Hongwu Emperor

File Type: Audio, PDF

Cantique de la Connaissance

Oscar Milosz

File Type: Audio, PDF

Who is Satan and Where is Hell?

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Identity and Theological Ethos of the Eastern Churches

Hieromonk Elisha (Élisée)

File Type: PDF

Honji Suijaku Faith

Susan Tyler

File Type: PDF

The Metaphysical Meaning of the Musical Scale of Plato’s Timaeus in Proclus

Sebastian F. Moro Tornese

File Type: PDF

The Concept of Comparative Philosophy

Henry Corbin

File Type: PDF


Abraham Joshua Heschel

File Type: PDF

The Approach of the Traditionalist School to the Epistemological and Ecumenical Concerns of the Mystical Experience Debate

Clinton Minnaar

File Type: PDF

Breaking the Spell of the New Atheism in the Light of Perennial Wisdom

Gustavo Polit

File Type: PDF

Thomas Aquinas and Islam

David B. Burrell

File Type: PDF

The Great Learning (Daxue)


File Type: Audio, PDF

The Celestial Gardener

Jean Hani

File Type: PDF

Anekantavada and Ahimsa—Many-sidedness and Peace

Alok Tandon

File Type: PDF

My Father’s God

Jacob Needleman

File Type: PDF

Wisdom of the Colombian Mamos

Arhuaco Sages

File Type: PDF

The Sword of the Spirit: The Making of an Orthodox Rosary

D.M. Deed

File Type: HTML, PDF

Ignorance in Swordsmanship (Kenjutsu Fushiki Hen)

Kimura Kyuho

File Type: PDF

“Progress” in Retrospect

Wolfgang Smith

File Type: PDF

Double-Entry Accounting and Confession

James Aho

File Type: eBook, PDF

À propos du tracé directeur de l’instrument à corde

Luc Breton

File Type: PDF

The Eliatic Function

Leo Schaya

File Type: HTML, PDF

Sharing Saints, Shrines, and Stories: Practicing Pluralism in North India

Anna Barry Bigelow

File Type: PDF

Presence with God

William C. Chittick

File Type: HTML, PDF

The Classic of Weiqi in Thirteen Chapters (Qijing Shisanpian)

Zhang Ni

File Type: PDF


File Type: PDF, Video

That Beauty Is a State

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Poimandres—Corpus Hermeticum I

Brian P. Copenhaver, Hermes Trismegistos

File Type: HTML, PDF