Library items classified under: PDF


Lord Northbourne

File Type: PDF

Two Indian Saints

D M Matheson

File Type: eBook, PDF

Psycho-Analysis and Spirituality

D M Matheson

File Type: eBook, PDF

Some Metaphysical Principles Pertaining to Nature

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

File Type: PDF

Knowledge and KNOWLEDGE

D M Matheson

File Type: eBook, PDF

A Sermon on the Glorious Name of Jesus Christ

Saint Bernadine of Siena

File Type: HTML, PDF

Enlightenment for Ordinary People

Daiei Kaneko

File Type: eBook, PDF

The Blessed Passion of Holy Love: Maximus the Confessor’s Spiritual Psychology

Bronwen Neil

File Type: PDF

Divus Julius Caesar (Julius Caesar the Divine)

Adrian Paterson

File Type: PDF

The Truth of Certainty

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

The Uplifting of Sparks in Later Jewish Mysticism

Louis Jacobs

File Type: eBook, PDF

Notes Toward a Chinese View of Time

Manuel B. Dy Jr.

File Type: PDF

L’Ésotérisme de Béowulf

Adrian Paterson

File Type: PDF

Signs on the Horizons: Meetings with Sufi Saints

Michael Sugich

File Type: PDF

The Marriage of Wisdom and Method

Marco Pallis

File Type: HTML, PDF

New Jerusalem Glowing: Songs and Poems of Leonard Cohen in a Kabbalistic Key

Elliot R. Wolfson

File Type: PDF

Between Philosophy and Mysticism: A Study on Joseph Giqatila

Shlomo Blickstein

File Type: PDF

Why Socrates Didn’t Charge: Plato and the Metaphysics of Money

David C. Schindler

File Type: PDF

What is Common to Indian and Chinese Art?

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: HTML, PDF

The Secret of Pico’s Oration: Cabala and Renaissance Philosophy

Brian P. Copenhaver

File Type: PDF

Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying

Jeremy Taylor

File Type: PDF

Theology and Beauty

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

File Type: PDF

The 33 Questions (Yaksha Prashna)


File Type: PDF

Reasoning the Stone

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson

File Type: PDF

Reflections on the Relation Between Philosophy and Theology

Gerald van Ackeren, S.J.

File Type: PDF

On the Creation of Women

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

File Type: PDF

Songs of the Love between Radha and Krishna (Bangiya Padabali)

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Vidyapati

File Type: PDF

The Principle of Love as the Key to Peacemaking in the Abrahamic Faiths and in the Teaching of Jesus

Joseph L. Cumming

File Type: PDF

The Phoenix and the Turtle

Juan Acevedo, William Shakespeare

File Type: Audio, PDF

A Contemplation of the Herbs

Thomas Adams

File Type: PDF

The Divine Liturgy: The Sacrifice

Jean Hani

File Type: PDF


Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

A Biography of Abu l-Hasan al-Shadhili

Kenneth Honerkamp

File Type: PDF

Iconic Visualization and the Imaginal Body of God: The Role of Intention in the Rabbinic Conception of Prayer

Elliot R. Wolfson

File Type: PDF

The Meaning of the Expression ‘Son of God’

Joseph L. Cumming

File Type: PDF

Om and Amen

Michel Valsan

File Type: PDF

On Translation: Maya, Deva, Tapas

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Is There a Problem of Evil?

Marco Pallis

File Type: PDF

Swami Vivekananda at the Parliament of the World’s Religions (1893)

Swami Vivekananda

File Type: eBook, PDF

What is Wabi-Sabi?

Robyn Griggs Lawrence

File Type: PDF

Mirror of Gesture (Abhinaya Darpana)

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Gopala Kristnayya Duggirala, Nandikeshvara

File Type: PDF

Religion, Prayer, Dialogue and Appreciating the Other

Julian Bond

File Type: PDF

Letter Symbolism and Merkavah Imagery in the Zohar

Elliot R. Wolfson

File Type: PDF

Paths That Lead to the Same Summit

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Divine Pedagogy as Skilful Means: Theological Pluralism in the Early Church

Damien Casey

File Type: PDF

The Mysteries of the Greek Alphabet


File Type: PDF

On Death

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

File Type: PDF

Majma‘ al-Bahrayn by Dara Shikoh

Dara Shikoh

File Type: PDF

Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Justice

Miroslav Volf

File Type: PDF

Acceptance as a Door of Mercy: Rida in Islamic Spirituality

Patrick Laude

File Type: PDF

Kalam Allah in Islam and in Christianity

Joseph L. Cumming

File Type: PDF

On the Diversity of Divine Self-Disclosures

Amir Abd al-Qadir, Emir Abdelkader

File Type: PDF

Hagakure: Book of the Samurai

Yamamoto Tsunetomo

File Type: PDF


Alexander Schmemann

File Type: PDF

St. Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes

Martin Lings, St Malachy O’Morgair

File Type: PDF


Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

File Type: PDF

The Gift of Iluvatar: Tolkien’s Theological Vision

Damien Casey

File Type: PDF

Silence Enflamed: John of the Cross and Prayer

Kerrie Hide

File Type: PDF

Concerning Prayer: A Platonic Perspective

Hierocles, Iamblichus, Proclus

File Type: PDF

The Cosmic Womb: Labyrinths and Rebirth in Christian Symbolism

Sarah Jane Boss

File Type: PDF