Library items classified under: PDF

The Song of Enlightenment

Yongjia Xuanjue

File Type: PDF

Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye)

Eihei Dogen

File Type: PDF

Poetry and Prayer Beyond Words

Graeme Watson

File Type: PDF

The Roar of the Tigress (vol. II)

Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett

File Type: PDF

What Thirst is For

M. Ali Lakhani

File Type: PDF

The Prayer of an Islamic-Christian Heart

Paolo Dalloglio

File Type: PDF

The Way of Go

Desmond Meraz

File Type: PDF

Al-Hikam (Aphorisms)

Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari

File Type: PDF

“Naturalness”: Two Excerpts

Kenryo Kanamatsu

File Type: PDF

“Cloven Tongues”: Theology and the Translation of the Scriptures

Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

File Type: PDF

“They Killed Him Not”: The Crucifixion in Shi‘a Isma‘ili Islam

Khalil Andani

File Type: PDF

My Spiritual Home (Autobiography of a Zen Master)

Yamada Mumon Roshi

File Type: PDF

Shimmering Reality: The Metaphysics of Relativity in Mystical Traditions

Patrick Laude

File Type: PDF

Protected: Daqiq al-Kalam: A Basis for an Islamic Philosophy of Science

M. B. Altaie

File Type: PDF

Martin Lings: The Sanctity of Sincerity

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF

Socrates the Mystic

John Bussanich

File Type: PDF

Tradition and the False Prophets of Modernism

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

The Critique of Modernism: Scientism, Evolutionism, Psychologism and Humanism

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Computer Technology: An Academic Cargo Cult?

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

The Importance of Spiritual Literacy

M. Ali Lakhani

File Type: PDF

The Light of Traditional Faith Amid the Shadowlands of Modernity

John Ahmed Herlihy

File Type: PDF

Putting on the Form of the Gods: Sacramental Theurgy in Neoplatonism

Algis Uždavinys

File Type: PDF


William Stoddart

File Type: PDF

Eckhart’s Image of the Eye and the Wood: An analogy which explains “all that I have ever preached about”

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF

The Metaphysics of Interfaith Dialogue: Sufi Perspectives on the Universality of the Quranic Message

Reza Shah-Kazemi

File Type: PDF

Tradition and Modernity

Frithjof Schuon

File Type: PDF

Signs of the Times and the Light of Tradition

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

C. G. Jung & Mircea Eliade: “Priests without Surplices”? Reflections on the Place of Myth, Religion and Science in Their Work

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Notes on “Spirituality”

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Metaphysics, Theology and Philosophy

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Frithjof Schuon on Esoterism

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

The Western Encounter with Eastern Traditions

Harry Oldmeadow

File Type: PDF

Nature, Man and God

Alvin Moore Jr

File Type: PDF

The Secret of Shakespeare, Part 3 (Othello)

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

The Secret of Shakespeare, Part 2 (Henry IV & Hamlet)

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

The Secret of Shakespeare, Part 1 (Introduction)

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

Pluralism and the Metaphysics of Morality

M. Ali Lakhani

File Type: PDF

Of Detachment and Spiritual Courtesy

M. Ali Lakhani

File Type: PDF

Remarks on Esoterism in the Works of Frithjof Schuon

Patrick Laude

File Type: PDF

Toward a Method of Knowing Spirit

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Requiring Religion: Be What Knows

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

James Cutsinger

File Type: PDF

Christ Through Jewish Eyes

Mark L. Solomon

File Type: PDF

A Conversation on Love

Patrick Laude, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

File Type: PDF

Prayer, Preaching, and Reproof

Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer

File Type: PDF

The Image of God

Leo Schaya

File Type: PDF

The Great Name of God

Leo Schaya

File Type: PDF

The Question of Prophecy

Abraham Abulafia

File Type: PDF

Jihad is not Perpetual Warfare

Imam Zaid Shakir

File Type: PDF

Qawa’id al-Tasawwuf, The Principles of Sufism (full version)

Ahmad Zarruq

File Type: PDF

Generous Tolerance in Islam and its Effects on the Life of a Muslim

Hamza Yusuf

File Type: PDF

Foundations of the Spiritual Path (excerpt)

Ahmad Zarruq

File Type: PDF

Climbing Mount Purgatorio: Reflections from the Seventh Cornice

Hamza Yusuf

File Type: PDF

Can Creatures ‘adorn themselves’ with the Names of God?

David B. Burrell

File Type: PDF

Al-Khitab al-Islami bayn al-Qawati‘ wal-Ijtihad

Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah

File Type: PDF

Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth: From Ancient Egypt to Neoplatonism

Algis Uždavinys

File Type: PDF

The Symbolism of the Ark: Universal Symbolism of the Receptacle of Divine Immanence

Timothy Scott

File Type: PDF

The Origin of the Buddha Image & Elements of Buddhist Iconography

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd El-Kader

John Kiser

File Type: PDF

The Gospel of Thomas: In the Light of Early Jewish, Christian and Islamic Esoteric Trajectories

Samuel Zinner

File Type: PDF